If the Director of a Company is filing DIN KYC for the 1st time, then it has to be filed by uploading a duly-filed copy of the MCA-prescribed e-Form DIR-3 KYC. Along with this Form, the address proof copy is filed as a compulsory attachment. The e-form DIR-3 (Director’s KYC) is signed with the Director’s Digital Signature, followed by attestation by a CS, CA, or CMA in full-time practice. Following is the process for filing the DIR-3 KYC:
- Step 1: Check DIN Status: First, you need to check the DIN status. If you need any help, then you can contact us, and we shall provide you with the DIN Status. The Status should be active and if you face any problems, contact us for a resolution.
- Step 2: Provide Relevant Details in the Form DIR-3 KYC:
Name & Relevant Credentials: The applicant must enter their & father’s first & last name. The name entered should match the one mentioned in the Permanent Account Number (PAN). The address cited here will be verified with the PAN database. Short forms, single alphabets, and acronyms are not allowed.
- Nationality: It is vital to declare your nationality. In the instance of foreign nationals who serve as the Directors of the Company, then the nationality of the Director should be mentioned in the Passport.
- Declaration of Age: An individual must enter their Date of Birth and an individual must be a minimum of 18 years of age while filing the application.
- Address: Scanned copy (self-attested) of the address proof of the applicant is attached to the DIR-3 KYC Form. The address proof shouldn’t be older than 2 months.
- Step 3: Prepare DIR-3 and verify the email or mobile number: The 1st time filing of KYC is done by submitting an e-form to the Registrar of Companies; the mobile number & email id of the Director or Partner are verified via OTP. A similar process of OTP (One Time Password) verification is applicable in web-based KYC filing.
- Step 4: Filing of DIR-3 KYC e-Form to ROC: The e-form needs to be digitally signed by the Director & then the same is certified by a Practising CS, CA or CMA. Our experts can file the DIR-3 KYC form on your behalf and submit it to the MCA.
- Step 5: Generation of SRN: After submission of the e-form, an SRN will be generated and this will be used for future correspondence with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
- Step 6: Email Communication: An email with approval of the receipt of the Form will be sent to your personal email id. Once the approval is received, the filing of the DIR-3 KYC e-form is complete.