A trademark is a brand’s identity that represents these combinations of tagline, logo, and symbol. Frequently, during the trademark registration process, the Trademark Registrar brings up criticism on the expected trademark if it disregards rules and laws of trademark registration. It could be because of few reasons like absence of distinct design, offensive to a particular religion, similarity with an existing trademark, etc. In the event of a trademark objection reply, an extensive answer should be recorded inside a month, from the date of issuance of the protest.
Trademarks can be objected to by the examiner, public, or any other third party when it is applied for registration. It occurs during the initial stage of the trademark registration process when the examiner objects the trademark application because of a few reasons. The objection can’t be the purpose for rejection; in any case, the registrar looks for additional explanations and clarification about the logo and its legitimateness. The third-party can also object to the trademark for the sake of public interest. There are two different ways when a third party or public can object the registration of a trademark:
At the point when the trademark is distributed on Trademark Journal. In case the candidate utilizes the mark before its registration. When the trademark status objection is received, within a month or in the recommended time period the applicant should document a comprehensive objection reply.
The brand name analyst examines the application’s correctness in an endless supply of it. The following reasons can be used to object to a trademark’s status:
Incorrect Form
Incorrect Applicant Name
Utilization Of Deceptive Words
Offensive Terms
Insufficient Information On Goods Or Services
Identical Logo Already Registered
The trademark examiner looks into the trademark application to make sure it complies with all applicable trademark laws. A trademark application confronts complaint about any of the following reasons:
Documenting Of Incorrect Trademark Form
Incorrect Trademark Applicant Name
Utilization Of Deceptive And Offensive Terms
Deficient Information On Goods/Services
Presence Of An Identical Mark:
The trademark’s status in the Indian Trademark Registry will be changed to “Objected” when an objection is made. These are the following steps to file a response in the event of a trademark objection process:
Step 1: Analyzing Trademark Objection
Step 2: Drafting Of Trademark Objection Response
Step 3: Trademark Hearing
Step 4: Publication In The Trademark Journal
Step 5: Registration
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The status of the trademark application can be followed here. The status will be shown as 'Objected”.
The response has to be drafted and submitted in the notice of 30 days from the date of issuance of the assessment report.
In response to an objection received, trademark experts draft and file a reply within three days.
If he/she is not able to attend the hearing the applicant may request a hearing adjournment.
If it is not successful, there will be a Refusal Order passed that clarifies the explanation for the refusal.